Sunday, 30 October 2011

Jealous B

This was my final stop motion animation. Showed it to my class as "my performance" and it was a success. The idea was to communicate a message without saying what the message was. And everyone guessed that the message was that B was fed up of coming 2nd best to A.

"If at first the idea is not absurd, then there is no hope for it"

- Albert Einstein

Bye bye A


I imagine the letter B being really jealous and nasty of A. He's always the 2nd option. 2nd in the alphabet. Grade A is better than a grade B. Group A is better than Group B. Its sort of like A is Batman and B is Robin.

Why is it terrible being the letter B?

Hide and Seek

My short stop motion animation of my blue-tack alphabet characters playing hide and seek :)

Orange Hide and Seek advert by PES

Adore this advert. It's very cute and has given me a pretty good idea for a stop motion animation.


Giving objects human qualities

Who is your family?
So, I was given an object, and had to answer questions about the object and represent the answer in anyway other than saying it.

My object was 'the letter B.' (I focused on the letters from the alphabet)

How do you move?




Finally communication pathway is here! I've been so excited to try this pathway out because I know this is my area. Especially as i've been looking at universities for next year, and I am 100% sure I am going to study Graphic Design, and the courses look amazing!
So communication is all about communicating a message to your audience in anyway you like. After the lecture I was so excited about making some stop-motion videos. I love animation, and especially stop motion because they can be so clever! and I completely appreciate how long it must've taken the artist to create if each movement is a different photograph. Its time consuming, and you have to be patient but the outcome is amazing.


My final prints.

For these final experiments I decided to used crisp packets. I put them in the oven and they shrunk down to miniature size, perfect size to accompany with the illustrations.
I then kept it very simple. Group of people, and object in the background and crisp packet.


These characters are a bit more subtle and work so much better. The illustrations aren't so exaggerated, but they still look like high culture people. Then the piece of litter represents the low culture, randomly placed on one person in the group. Juxtaposing the two opposites emphasises each others qualities.


So throughout the project I found the stereotyping and the juxtaposing high and low culture worked best. These were some characters I created with juxtaposing crisp packets, representing low culture, and the posh snobby stereotypical faces and body language, representing high culture. They are amusing, but probably a bit too much.


Bit of messing around with illustrating and stereotyping


Print For a Politician, 2005
Etching (3 plates)

I absolutely love this piece of work!
This print is what I am currently writing my essay on. I find the meaning so intriguing, the attention to detail incredible and it's funny!
When I first saw this print at the Government Art Collection exhibition at the Whitechappel gallery, I walked straight past it, until I read the text in the booklet about what it was about. I just thought it was some old boring medieval map.... which was exactly what Perry was inspired from. He wanted it to look like a medieval tapestry of a war from the past. But when you look at the print up close, all the people have been separated into smaller sub-culture groups and stereotypes. There are so many groups that I would never have been able to come up with. I think of the obvious big stereotypes like geeks, posh people, poor people, gays..etc However everyday we are constantly labelling people, when we don't even realise it. I will walk down the street and without even thinking about it, I will group people. I'll walk past a person with a pram, and straight away they are labelled as a mum. A person with a hood and baggy trousers, thug. Person with a briefcase, suit and a blackberry... banker. It's so strange, because I never realised I did this until I started to study this print. And I am so interested in the way that Perry sees  the world and has interpreted it on paper as a giant war between the sub-culture groups. Absolutely amazing, this piece has had such an effect on me!

high/low culture

Using this one illustration of a high culture woman, I decided to juxtapose her against low culture backgrounds. So this posh high class woman wearing her evening clothes with her flowy and loose ink lines has been placed in locations you wouldn't expect her to be. I.e. you would never see a woman of this class at Mcdonalds, or shopping at the 99p store. 
However juxtaposing these two cultures makes you start asking questions. ...why do we find it strange that she is there? 
... Because we constantly stereotype and group individuals.


Experimenting with juxtaposing the high culture characters, and low culture brands


I understood this project a lot more. I wasn't confused about the outcome, and whether the work had to have a purpose like the design project. The project title was Epic Tour, and we started off by creating collages to map out our ideas as a starting point which we could branch out from. Because this was an art project, I thought I could make it quite directed towards what I wanted to do. So I started off at looking at magazines, newspapers and old books. I found this old book in my Grandad's attic called 'An Englishman In New York' and it was filled with beautifully illustrated characters, and I absolutely loved the way they were drawn! This whole project went quite illustrative!



Using lots and lots of photocopies of the tin foil models, I played around with cutting them up, and crafting them together randomly.. not thinking about the outcome!! And it seemed to work quite well. These designs don't have an obvious purpose. Maybe a shoulder piece? Or if I was to repeat them again and again, they could make a new design of garment. However the main lesson I learnt with this work was not to think of the outcome! I just made it on the spot without thinking, and then worried about its purpose. 
A successful conclusion to the design project :)


Using the photographs I had taken of the sequins, I photocopied them and printed out lots and lots of copies. Placing them together randomly, and at different angles helped me to make these two new textures. There's no clear purpose for the design, but I like to think they would be used for a fabric designs. 


This was a piece of material my tutor brought in. In a way its pretty similar to the tin foil. It reflects the light, and its pretty jagged and angular with the sequins when you twist the material. Close up this texture is amazing to work with!