Sunday, 6 November 2011


final poster for crit. 
B-littled by A, meant to be a play on words
the A's are surrounding B, making him feel small and intimidated 

Experimenting with alphabetti spaghetti :)

really clever advert I found in a creative advertising book.
poor bread.

Playing with typography

A is bigger than B

A is elegant and fancy... B is childish

A is powerful and turning his back on B. 
B is ashamed and is drooping his head in misery

A is towering over trembling B, sort of like a cyber monster out of war of the worlds 

A is dancing and showing off, completely disregarding boring B

A is kicking B

A is shouting at B

B is being silly but A is having none of it

A is trying to eat B

B is ashamed

A is stealing the limelight

B is scared of A

A's quiff is flicking in B's face

The B's are being childish..........and then there's grumpy A